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Susan Waldron my friend

The year was 2004, Philadelphia Airport, that was where I first encountered Sue. Sandra and I were visiting Gramma Millie from Philly as she became known to Sue. It was grammas’ 90th Birthday, a cold December in South Philly. The Vitello’s would all be in town to celebrate including my mother, the first ex daughter in law. We could not be there for all of the family gatherings well because …MY FATHER. We could not be in the same city let alone room. Sandra and I spent a few days, we shopped, bought grams all of her favorite things as well as necessities. It was approaching the time for us to head out, we had a few hours left when sweet gramma Millie turned on me out of the blue. She was so angry at me because I did not have a good relationship with her only son, it must be all my fault. She lashed out in anger, said some very hate-filled words so unbecoming of a grandmother with flaming red hair I just could not stand to be there for another minute.

As my mother knocked we were exiting. We got to the airport way early for our flight. It was cold, dark and rainy in Philly, not a great night to be flying only to get there and find our flight was being very delayed. It was coming in from Atlanta with my brother who at the time I was also not on speaking terms with. I was livid, to say the least, but my sadness way overshadowed my anger. As we sat I noticed a woman with dark hair, piercing blue eyes, a dark leather jacket and glancing my way with a bright smile. I am sure I sneered back and said to Sandra, sister in the house. Slowly but surely Susan would make her way my direction. All she wanted to do was talk as I am sure her GAYDAR was on high alert. Yes, I must have looked like a lesbian that night. Angry and brooding. Before I knew it Sue was chatting away. I to this day cannot recall her words because at the time I had no interest in making a new friend. I finally turned to her and said ” Unless you are flying into Atlanta and are buying an expensive house and need a Realtor I really have no interest in talking to you” And Sue with all of the innocence of a child turned to me with that million-dollar smile and said “as a matter of fact I am flying into Atlanta and my partner and I did buy an expensive house but we already have a Realtor” I was done, I needed to move on and fast. I told her I was going for a walk, she offered to watch my bags which I politely declined since I had someone with me.

Susan and her birds…

I finally came back after walking to all terminals to find Sue still sitting there. I decided to reach out with an olive branch and offered to watch her bags if she wanted to go for a walk. Her response ” No thank you I do not know you well enough to trust you with my bag” I was so done.

We finally boarded the plane and I sat huddled in practically the fetal position sobbing in my seat. The weather was terrible and the rain was beating like hell against the plane. People were looking at me thinking I was afraid of flying as to why I was sobbing, they had no clue a 90-year-old redhead had sucked the life out of me with one horrific remark. Finally, the pilot got on and said we needed to make an emergency landing in a place called Newport News Virginia. Where the hell where we and why did we need gas. This night was never going to end.

I looked up as we sat getting refueled and Sue came to our seat and asked if she could use my phone to call her partner who would be worried in Atlanta. I obliged while wondering why she could not use her own phone. We were paying for minutes back then.

Susan and Sandy…a Beautiful couple inside and out!

We finally landed in Hartsfield way after midnight, closer to 2 am. I was a mule back then carrying everything there was to carry and of course, all of the escalators were off leaving us a long hard road ahead if you have never been to Hartsfield it sucks.. Of course, Sue whizzed buy running up those steps and I schlepped everything Sandra could not manage plus myself. Once to the top, I was pouring down sweat on a cold night and there was Susan with her partner waiting to introduce us. Her name was Sandy and I truly could care less at the moment. I needed to get a shuttle to my car and then take the 30-minute drive home in the torrential rain, exhausted and emotionally spent. As we were driving down 285 my phone rang. The intense Realtor I was answered ” hello this is Lisa” the voice on the other end said in an annoying upbeat voice ” hi it’s AIRPORT SUE” I was shocked, I said why are you calling me. She said she wanted to say hi and knew I was awake lol. I did laugh out loud. She was just checking to make sure we got to our car ok and when I asked how she got my # she said I used your phone to call Sandy so now I have it.

That was how I met Airport Sue later to be known as Safety Sue but best known as my friend Sue. We became best friends the 4 of us and spent many years nurturing that friendship. We spent holidays, birthdays and many weekends at my lake house. They came to my holiday open house just a week after meeting and even spent that first NYE at the lake. It was a beautiful friendship. Then they moved back north.

Both Susan first then Sandy got breast cancer. They both beat it and continued to live healthy, full lives We continued to talk and see each other whether they came south or I went north. Sue loved being home, woodworking, taking care of hers and Sandy’s pet’s, home and she loved bird watching. She knew the names of more than I can imagine.

In May of 2018, I got to visit with Sue and Sandy while Sandy had a gig in Newport Beach. I got to spend more time with Sue since Sandy was working. We had the best time together and probably the first time we had spent together just her and I. We did some wacky fun things, walked outside our box a bit and just hung out. Little did we both know the news that was to follow after that trip would obliterate her world.

The minor back pain Susan was feeling was more than a pulled muscle. Sue’s breast cancer had returned only this time it was bad. The rarest among cancers, the same that would take Valerie Harper just recently. It was in her brain and her time was short. She fought and took all of the treatment she had available but in a short 13 months, there was nothing left to do but wait. 56 years was not enough life for her to live. Not enough for her friends, family and wife to accept but the choice would not be ours to make.

I finally saw that blue bird…..

I was fortunate to be able to go visit with my friend in June. I got to see her home, take a stroll through New Hope, eat ice cream but most of all I got to sit with her in her yard and look for the birds. We looked desperately for a bluebird. I could have sat with her for the rest of the day but there was a bad storm coming and the clouds were turning black and the next train back to the city was in 30 minutes. Sue drove to the station with us and gave me the bear hug she was known for. She hugged people with intention.She did not have a mean bone in her body and loved everyone and loved life. Mostly she loved her family, her pets, her friends, birds but most of all her devoted wife Sandy. Together they traveled the world, lived in different places and loved each other deeply. They never fought or had a harsh word to say about the other. I know Sue was not ready to leave this earth. In the end, she prayed she would survive her 90-year-old mom who had already mourned the loss of a child, her brother and she did, barley. Her mom was buried this past Saturday. The loss for the Waldron family is unimaginable the loss for Sandy heartbreaking. All I can do is think back on the many fun times we shared, laughs we had, things we did and smile but the story of our meeting was always a highlight to tell over and over again. I will miss her smile and her beautiful blue eyes and know she will be looking down on those she loved and hanging with the birds in heaven.

I would like to think I knew Sue well enough to say if there were a few things she would leave us with it would be these. Smile often, take in all of life, watch the birds, learn their names and songs. Have a passion for something you love and do it often and well. Don’t take life so seriously but most of all hug and love each other with true intention. Mean it, feel it and never let it go. Sue did just that till the very end.

Until we meet again dear friend I will remember you always…

Gone too soon…

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